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Volume_IV page 1999_13 Scott #3611a Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Bachman's Sparrow Scott #3611b Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Northern Bobwhite Scott #3611c Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Fox Squirrel, Red-bellied Woodpecker Scott #3611d Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Brown-headed Nuthatch Scott #3611e Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Broadhead Skink Scott #3611f Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Eastern Towhee Scott #3611g Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Gray Fox, Gopher Tortoise Scott #3611h Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Blind Click Beetle, Pine Woods Treefrog Scott #3611i Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Southern Toad Scott #3611j Nature in America: Longleaf Pine Forest - Yellow-sided Skimmer
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