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Volume_VI page 2006_21 Scott #4063 Wonders of America - Tallest Trees: Coast Redwoods Scott #4064 Wonders of America - Largest Rodent: American Beaver Scott #4065 Wonders of America - Longest River System: Mississippi-Missouri Scott #4066 Wonders of America - Rainiest Spot: Mount Wai`ale`ale Scott #4067 Wonders of America - Most Active Volcano: Kilauea Scott #4068 Wonders of America - Longest Cave: Mammoth Cave Scott #4069 Wonders of America - Loudest Animal: Blue Whale Scott #4070 Wonders of America - Hottest Spot: Death Valley Scott #4071 Wonders of America - Longest Covered Bridge: Cornish-Windsor Bridge Scott #4072 Wonders of America - Largest Plant: Quaking Aspen
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